
Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) and honeybush (Cyclopia species) are two South African tisanes that are currently enjoying an appreciable degree of commercial success globally. Both herbal teas has a flavonoid profile that is distinctly different from those found in Camelia sinensis. Due to their rich content of different compounds with antioxidant and other health properties, both herbal teas are gaining more attention worldwide because of their potential for clinical use. Different biological properties have been reported for both herbal teas (Reviewed by Marnewick J.L. in Reference [48]). Therefore, in this review, we present a comprehensive analysis of evidence available on the potential anti-diabetic benefits that may be associated with the consumption of two South African herbal tisanes, (Aspalathus linearis and Cyclopia species) and some of their natural bioactive compounds.

The biological activity of rooibos and its polyphenols has been reported in in vitro, in vivo and in a few human studies. The ability of rooibos to modulate oxidative stress by inhibiting lipid peroxidation and augment glutathione redox status has been reported in rat sperm and liver [61,62,63] and in humans at the risk of cardiovascular disease [64]. Furthermore, anti-inflammatory [63,65,66] and chemopreventive [67], as well as cardio-protective [68], effects have all been reported for rooibos and some of its polyphenolic constituents.

Antidiabetic Effects of Rooibos Herbal Tea and Its Polyphenols
The involvement of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of diabetes and diabetic complications suggested that natural products with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may be able to exert beneficial effect. Rooibos is a rich source of unique antioxidants which may play important role in the prevention, management and treatment of T2DM.

Reset Meal Bars

Made with quality ingredients, whole food, lactose free, gluten free with added sceletium and rooibos extract.